whale is the name of a large porpoise.
It gets its name from the popular belief that it is a blood-thirsty
killer. It
has a glossy black back and a white underside.
These creatures often measure 30 feet in length and can weigh 10 tons.
Killer Whale |
whales get their name from the widely held belief that they will attack any
creature in the sea – and, like man, are some of the few animals that kill for
sport. Though
they have the reputation as killers, killer whales have not been known to
attack swimming men or boats.
whales often hunt in packs, and will attack other whales many times their own
size. Their
mouths and throats are big enough to swallow seals, penguins, and young
walruses whole. Only the tusked adult
walrus holds the killer at bay.
killer whales see a seal on a floating chunk of ice, they rush up under the ice
and crash into it, knocking the victim into the water. Killer whales also feed on fish and even sea
birds. Killer
whales are found in all the oceans of the world, but prefer to live in the cold
arctic and Antarctic waters.-Dick Rogers