Thursday, January 24, 2013

What is a sea cow?

Sea cow are large water animals that look somewhat like seals.  “Sea cow” is the popular name for the manatee and dugong, which are sea animals that look somewhat like a large seals.

The sea cow is an awkward, slow-moving animal with no hind legs.  Its front legs are paddle-shaped and it has a broad, shovel-like tail.

A very large sea cow would weigh more than 1,500 pounds.   Sea cows prefer to live quietly in warm, shallow bays and coastal waters, and in certain large rivers.

They feed on water plants growing in the shallow water, and are often seen in small herds, browsing like real cattle grazing.

Since they are mammals, they must hold their breath under water, and come to the surface often to breathe.

The mother sea cow feeds her baby mild.  The baby called a calf, is born under water.

The mother pushes her newborn infant to the surface for its first breath of air.  She carries the little animal on her back so that it is above water, then dunks it repeatedly until it learns to breathe correctly. Dick Rogers

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