Sunday, November 11, 2012

Is the wise old owl really wise?

Although its big, staring eyes make the own look like it is thinking very hard, it is really no smarter than other birds.  Owls look wise because their big, staring eyes and thoughtful air give the appearance that they are thinking very hard.  

Actually, the “wise old owl” is really no smarter that other birds.    In fact, geese, crows, and ravens are all smarter than the owl.  A person can recognized an owl at once by its large, broad face with a fur of feathers around the large eyes.  

Unlike the eyes of most birds, the owl’s eyes are in front of its head and point forward.  But to see in another direction, the own must turn its whole head.  Persons walking around a perched owl are often amused at the way it seems in danger of twisting its head off while watching them.

The owl comes out at night to hunt for mice and other small creatures.  Its large eyes can see in the dimmest light.  But the owl does not depend on its eyes alone for hunting.  Its keen ears can hear the faintest sound and its cry startles small animals into revealing their location.  The owl’s soft feathers allow it to swoop down silently on its prey.-Dick Rogers

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